Kia Ora, Namaste and Bula Vinaka! Welcome to my professional blog! I am a Year 6 teacher at Glen Innes School. This year I am taking on the role of the Community of Learning within school teacher at my school. Thank you for following my journey.
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Doing more investigation on Language Acquisition Factors!
Language Acquisition Factors
In the paragraphs below I am going to discuss three-second language acquisition factors that have an effect on XXX’s learning. Although there are many factors that affect L2 acquisition, I will mainly focus on motivation, attitude, personality and self-esteem.
“The most important factor in second language acquisition success is motivation” (Lightbown & Spada, 1999, p. 163). Over the two years, I have observed that XXX is a highly motivated child. He tries his best to participate in all the activities and be in the limelight! According to XXX's mother, she motivates her son to study hard and always reminds him that they have come to New Zealand because she wants to give him a better education and a good lifestyle. This can only happen if XXX works hard in his studies and gets a white-collar job. The way XXX is motivated is more relevant to “Extrinsic” motivation. This type of motivation drives a person to be competitive in life and expects rewards such as money, praise or positive feedback (Khasinah, 2014). However, Brown (1994, as cited in Khasinah, 2014) states that “researchers claim that intrinsic motivation leads to greater success in learning a foreign language, especially in a long run” (p.259). Overall, it is quite evident that XXX is motivated to acquire L2 but in long term, his extrinsic motivation behaviour might clash with his intrinsic motivation behaviour.
XXX’s positive attitude to his target language reflects that he is a keen learner and knows very well the importance of L2. XXX’s parents attend parent-teacher conferences and participate in all school-related activities which might help XXX to progress in his learning areas. For instance, in the past years, our school participated in the Pasifika Early Literacy Project (PELP) whereby Pasifika children were given dual language books to take home and read with their whanau. To help XXX and other children in their L2 we made a large cloth bag known as a story sack that contained favourite children's books with supporting materials to stimulate language activities and make reading a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone. Hence, (Gardner, 1985, as cited in Khalid, 2016) states that L2 learners with positive attitudes toward the target language will learn L2 more effectively than those who lack positive attitudes.
Personality and Self-Esteem
Over the two years, I have observed that XXX is a quiet boy who likes to stay in his own space working quietly. However, this year I have seen some changes he is more talkative during class discussions participates in extra co-curricular activities and takes an active interest in the whole school Jump Jam. To achieve something in life, a person needs some degree of self-esteem and self-confidence (Khasinah, 2014). For instance, our school’s focus for this year is “Mastery”. Thus, the principal asked some of the children about one thing they are going to master this term. XXX replied that he is going to master “backstrokes” during swimming class. I felt it was very impressive for him to give that type of answer. Being surrounded by supportive parents and a teacher creating the right atmosphere for learning, XXX will be motivated to master L2 (Khasinah, 2014).
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Some key factors in successful learning!
As teachers, we must always remember that the classroom provides a comfortable learning environment. Some key factors in successful learning are feeling confident, carrying a positive attitude and having high self-esteem. As such after designing these activities for my class considering their language learning needs, I feel that our learners must always be given an effective integrated approach in the classroom and it is essential to provide a rich language environment. The four activities that I designed based on the four skills basically demonstrate a good language model and involve a lot of opportunities for interactive skills. As teachers, if we do integrate these types of activities or games during Reading and Writing sessions then definitely our ELL’s would benefit as there will be lots of opportunities to talk to their partners, ask questions, respond, participate, write, learn, create and share. Another thing I have discovered is that learners do not show any kind of stress when working in pairs and small groups. I have also noticed that those same learners in normal classes stay very quiet and reserved but whenever I have introduced one of these activities the children seem to be very enthusiastic. ‘Barrier Games’ and ‘Say it’ I have designed it for the first time and most probably I will use these activities after my guided reading session. Or probably in the last block whereby they can have some good fun times interacting with their pairs and at the same time enhancing their language learning ability. According to the English Language Learning Progressions, my learners are making some good progress in all four skills. Furthermore, I have also noticed that some children in my class are reluctant to ask for clarification. As a qualified TESOL teacher, I will always practice collaborative learning in my classroom that allows children to interact and listen to each other's ideas freely and will definitely create a lot of opportunities to integrate these four skills in my class so that L1 learners feel more confident.
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Design four activities with a focus on a specific language feature that will help them meet those needs.
I have a Year 5 & 6 class where the majority of the learners are from non-English speaking backgrounds.
I identified what my student’s current language needs are and then designed four activities with a focus
on a specific language feature that will help them meet those needs.
After my observations and findings, it can be said that the current learning situation of my learners is
that most of them have Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills. The learners have difficulty
following a series of instructions and have a short concentration span. Some of my learners also find
difficulty while interacting in pairs (student to student and student to teacher), interactions in small-group
contexts and as well as interactions in whole-class contexts. I have also noticed that some of my
students pause and hesitate while speaking and have pronunciation problems that show features oftheir first language. To add on, some of my learners find it difficult to use their prior knowledge to
make predictions and their comprehension requires more inference. Furthermore, other errors include
failure to understand the meaning of the text and lack of cohesion while connecting ideas.
(Ministry of Education, 2008, p. 6).
Four different activities
Task 1: Barrier Game - Describe and Draw
The overall aim of the activity is to integrate listening with speaking, reading and writing.
The comprehensive Learning Intention is to encourage children to respond actively when they do not
understand something.
Task 2: Say it
The overall aim of the activity is to emphasise the importance of an ‘interactive classroom’.
Comprehensive Learning Intention is to speak fluently, with occasional pauses and hesitation.
(Ministry of Education, 2008, p. 11)
Task 3: Cloze activity
The overall aim of the activity is to understand the meaning of the text.
Comprehensive Learning Intention to help the readers to recognise and interpret the main ideas of
the text.
Task 4: DictoGloss
The overall aim of the activity is to integrate the four skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing
to meet different language demands.
Comprehensive Learning Intention is to identify and record keywords in the text.
Friday, July 15, 2022
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Sunday, July 3, 2022
External Recognition Agenda: DFI Day 9
Thursday, June 16, 2022
Time to get creative with Screen Recording: Create using Screencastify
Today I used screencastify to explain how to embed Google DLOs into New Blogger. This was quite interesting and I thoroughly enjoyed while creating this.
DFI Day 6 Agenda: Enabling Access Sites

Sunday, June 12, 2022
Monday, June 6, 2022
Thursday, May 26, 2022
DFI Day 4 Google My Maps
This activity was quite interesting as I created a customisable map using "Google My Maps". As we are going to Museum this Monday so I thought to create this map. I enjoyed doing this activity.
Dealing with Data Agenda - Day 4
Kia Ora
Another week of amazing learning with the DFI team! Our main focus for today's session was working on google sheets. I did my best as I managed to create a google sheet and used one of the learner's blogs from my class to analyse the data. It was quite interesting to see his data as he started quite well in 2017 and then in 2018, there were no posts. However, in 2019 and 2020 he did extremely well. Unfortunately, 2021 wasn't a promising year for him due to the pandemic. On a good note, Finau actually started well for this year. I hope he will continue to show his amazing work for the rest of the year.
Thursday, May 19, 2022
DFI Media Agenda Day 3
Kia Ora! I had an extremely productive session today. It was indeed rewarding and I managed to learn to create and share with my colleagues. The most interesting part of today's learning was, that I used google slides to create an animation. I am definitely going to share this storytelling animation with my learners next week. I am sure they will enjoy creating these interactive slides.
Thursday, May 12, 2022
Workflow DFI Reflection Week 2
Kia Ora
Today's DFI class was enriching and I have once again learned many new things. The best part of today's lesson was I created a Google Meet in the calendar with one of other colleagues and recorded the event. The end result was quite good as I embedded the link in my blogger.
I also enjoyed learning how to use Google Keep and utilise it in my personal lifestyle.
I will definitely share these interesting things that I have learnt with my syndicate team and I am planning to use Google keep more often in my writing class.
Friday, May 6, 2022
Core Business - DFI Day 1
Kia Ora!
I had an awesome day in the first Digital Fluency Intensive Program. After the pandemic, it is indeed a rewarding experience to meet other teachers and facilitators from the cohort. I can confidently say that I will be implementing a number of new things in my class that I have learnt today.
My understanding of Manaikalani kaupapa and pedagogy has always allowed me to collaborate, learn, create and share with my colleagues and students. I am definitely going to share the tips on how to use google docs and specifically use the explore tool for citation purposes in their writing activities.
Here is my Multi-Modal text on "Sustainability", our school inquiry topic that I created today on a google document.