Thursday, September 21, 2017

Digital Intensive-Session 9

Finally, we have reached week 9, our last session with Dorothy, Matt and Gerhard. In these nine weeks I have learnt a lot and definitely I am taking all these digital techniques with me and would be applying some of these in Term 4 with my class. 

Huge Thanks to Dorothy, Matt and Gerhard and also my Glen Innes team for providing this great opportunity to attend this course. 

Monday, September 18, 2017

Digital Intensive - Session 7 Google Keep

Something totally new and exciting for me!

I learnt about google keep today on how to take and keep notes. I have installed google keep in my phone as well so now I would experiment some of these things in the weekend. 

...and believe me it's awesome...!!

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Digital Intensive Session 8 - New Google Sites

Today we learnt about New Google Sites and I found it very easy to create and you can see in this screen shot how I managed to create one: 

Then I clicked on CREATE that took me to new sites.

I was successfully able to create my site that had six buttons with images and was linked to various important sites. This is how my landing page looks like:

Later on I uploaded my other colleagues class sites as well for future use. Here is a snapshot and a link to Sandhya's Sites:

Hence, it's much easier for me now to get all my stuff from one place. Since ERO is coming next term, I believe this site would be a great help!!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Digital Intensive Session 7- Effective Class Site

An amazing session with my colleagues to work around our class sites.

Today I learnt about how to make my class site look more appealing and functional as well.

We looked at other school teachers sites and had a brainstorm on what we liked and what were some of the things that could be improved. The major one I picked for my site was creating a slideshow and putting it on my home page. It was quite challenging and Dorothy and Gerhard assisted me but still there is some work to be done. It's not really perfect but will get there by next week!! I also embedded the timetable on the home page and a beautiful picture of mine with the professional blog link inserted. My site looks much better but in the days ahead I have to do bit of more work.

Here is the screenshot of my class site